Ilana Guttman
This is the place where I'm supposed to tell you about my amazing history as a runner, my titles, my international ranking, my times, etc. I'm going to tell you instead that I used to hate running. If I wasn't running to catch a ball or away from danger, I really did not understand the point. It was uncomfortable and boring. And I wasn't particularly good at it. I signed up for Track in high school and was either injured or finishing last.
I know what it's like to start a running program. I also know that somehow along the way, life happened, and joining a gym or finding a tennis partner just wasn't accessible for me. Running was.
And if you're a busy person like me, with family, work and other obligations, you want an exercise program that can fit your schedule.
Running has transformed from a punishing, painful experience into one that has taught me how to manage many things life has thrown at me. It's improved my mood, my body image and my relationship with food.
As a UESCA and Tel Aviv University-certified run coach, I help runners by providing custom training plans, holding group training sessions and personal training sessions in Jerusalem.
Anyone can be an athlete.
Make your movements training and food your fuel. The right mindset and program will get you there.
Running is deceptively simple - yet the injury rate is very high (at least 50 percent of regular runners get hurt each year according to the Yale School of Medicine). I've certainly experienced the frustration and pain of injury doing things the wrong way.
Once I invested in a coach to support my training, I became smarter and faster, even as I've gotten older, even after each of 3 pregnancies and deliveries. Today, as a coach myself,I want to share what I've learned along the way with you.
As a running coach, my dream is to help others ACCESS the mental health benefits that come with a regular running program, to TEACH others how to train in a way that reduces their injury risk so that they don't have to spend as much time sidelined or in pain as I did, and to ENABLE others to feel the satisfaction of reaching personal goals.